The pregnancy tips-Everyone Must Know

The pregnancy tips

Diet – Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Get nutrients like folate, iron, calcium, omega-3s and choline. Stay hydrated with water and milk. Take prenatal vitamins. Eat small frequent meals to ease nausea. Avoid unpasteurized foods. Limit caffeine and artificial sweeteners.

Exercise – Exercise 30 mins per day, 5 days a week if approved by doctor. Go for walks, swim, do prenatal yoga or Pilates. Kegels strengthen pelvic floor. Avoid high intensity or high impact exercise. Don’t exercise lying flat on back after 1st trimester. Stay hydrated and don’t overheat.

Rest – Get at least 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Take naps or put feet up to rest during day. Use pillows for support when sleeping. Relaxation improves sleep quality. Develop good sleep habits.

Stress management – Reduce sources of stress when possible. Practice meditation, deep breathing, visualization, yoga. Get massages. Listen to music. Connect with supportive friends and family. Join a pregnancy support group. Set aside time for self-care.

Prenatal visits – Visit doctor/midwife regularly for exams, tests and screenings. Monitoring baby’s growth and vitals is important. Get recommended vaccines like flu and Tdap. Report any concerning symptoms immediately. Ask questions and discuss concerns.


Work precautions – Avoid heavy lifting, chemicals or radiation exposure. Take regular breaks. Use ergonomic adjustments and wear comfortable shoes. Discuss any job restrictions or accommodations with your doctor. Stay hydrated.

Preterm labor – Know the signs like regular contractions before 37 weeks. Call your doctor if you have 4+ contractions per hour, menstrual-like cramps, low dull backache, pelvic pressure or change in vaginal discharge.

Childbirth preparation – Take birthing, breastfeeding and newborn care classes. Make a birth plan to share your preferences. Pack a hospital bag at least 2 months before due date. Discuss pain relief options with your doctor. Choose your pediatrician.

Birth location – Tour hospitals or birthing centers in advance. Consider amenities, services, policies and staff. Choose based on your goals and needs for labor, delivery and postpartum care.

Monitor your weight gain. Normal weight gain is about 25-35 pounds if you started at a healthy weight. Focus on eating a balanced diet with the right nutrients versus eating for two.

Avoid harmful substances. Do not smoke, vape, drink alcohol or use recreational drugs during pregnancy as these can cause major complications. Limit caffeine intake to 200mg or less per day.

Practice good dental hygiene. Get routine cleanings and address any dental problems. Pregnancy hormones can increase risk of gum problems.

Stay up to date on vaccines. Get a flu shot and Tdap vaccine. These help protect you and confer immunity to baby. Talk to your doctor about any other recommended vaccines.

Avoid toxins and chemicals. Stay away from mercury-containing fish, pesticides, heavy metals, toxic cleaning supplies and cat litter boxes. Use protective gear at work if exposed.

Address chronic health conditions. Monitor and treat issues like diabetes, hypertension, depression, thyroid disorders and autoimmune diseases. Follow doctor’s recommendations for medication adjustments.

Stay active sexually if desired. For low risk pregnancies, sex is considered safe up to the due date unless your doctor advises otherwise. Oral sex is also typically considered low risk.

Get support if signs of depression. Mood swings are common but if overwhelmed, talk to your doctor. Depression screening is often part of prenatal care. Consider therapy, support groups or medications if needed.

Take a birthing or new parents class. Childbirth classes help build knowledge and skills for labor, delivery and caring for a newborn. Partner participation fosters support.


 key do’s and don’ts during pregnancy:


– Do take prenatal vitamins with folic acid daily. Folic acid reduces risk of neural tube defects.

– Do eat a balanced diet with plenty of veggies, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats. Stay hydrated and take in adequate calories.

– Do exercise regularly with your doctor’s approval. Low-impact activities like walking, swimming and yoga are great.

– Do schedule and attend all prenatal visits. Follow your doctor’s recommendations for testing and care.

– Do rest and sleep as much as possible. Your body needs extra sleep during pregnancy.

– Do find healthy ways to cope with stress. Try exercise, meditation, journaling, support groups.

– Do educate yourself on pregnancy, birth and baby care. Read books, take classes and tour your birth facility.


– Don’t smoke, vape or use drugs. These can cause pregnancy complications and problems for your baby.

– Don’t drink alcohol. There is no known safe amount during pregnancy due to risk of birth defects.

– Don’t eat unpasteurized foods like soft cheeses or raw fish/meat. These can cause foodborne illnesses.

– Don’t change kitty litter. It could expose you to toxoplasmosis. Ask someone else to do it.

– Don’t douche or take unnecessary medications. Always check with your doctor first.

– Don’t neglect dental care. Get cleanings and address any issues to avoid gum infections.

– Don’t sleep flat on your back after the first trimester. This can decrease blood flow.

– Don’t skip meals. Eat small, frequent meals for steady energy and nutrients for you and baby.


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