Pattern programming in C

Pattern programming in C

Singleton Pattern

– A singleton class only allows one instance of itself to be created. It provides a global point of access.

– In C, a singleton is typically implemented by making the constructor private and creating a static instance of the class.

– The static instance is usually lazily initialized, meaning it is only created when first accessed. This is done by checking if the instance is NULL before creating it.

– Singletons restrict object creation and limit flexibility but can be useful for things like database connections.

Factory Pattern

– A factory pattern encapsulates object creation logic in a separate factory class/function.

– Clients call the factory to get new objects, rather than instantiating objects directly.

– This adds abstraction and makes it easy to change the derived classes being created.

– In C, factory functions can return a pointer to a base class or interface that is then assigned to the derived implementation.

Observer Pattern

– The observer pattern allows objects to notify other objects when changes occur.

– This is useful for event handling in UIs and other reactive programming cases.

– In C, subscribers/observers register callback functions with a subject they want to observe.

– The subject broadcasts update notifications to all registered callbacks when its state changes.

– This decouples the observable subject from its observers.

Strategy Pattern

– The strategy pattern defines a family of interchangeable algorithms encapsulated in separate classes.

– This allows the client to swap strategies dynamically based on application state.

– In C, the strategies are defined as separate functions that conform to a unified signature.

– The context accepts a function pointer which can be set to any valid strategy function.

– This delegates the algorithm logic to interchangeable strategy functions.



Pattern programming in C involves printing various patterns of numbers, characters, or symbols using loops and conditional statements. These patterns are often used for decorative or educational purposes and can range from simple to complex designs.

Here are some common types of patterns:

Pyramid Patterns: These patterns resemble a pyramid with each row having increasing or decreasing elements. For example:


Number Patterns: These patterns involve printing sequences of numbers in specific arrangements. For example:


Alphabet Patterns: Similar to number patterns, these involve printing sequences of alphabets. For example:


Square Patterns: These patterns form a square shape with rows and columns of symbols. For example:

*   *
*   *

Diamond Patterns: These patterns resemble a diamond shape with symmetrically increasing and decreasing rows. For example:


Pattern programming is a popular topic in C programming and serves as an excellent way to understand loops, conditions, and nested structures. Patterns can be constructed using characters, numbers, or symbols to form various shapes, designs, or sequences. They are often used for decorative purposes in text-based interfaces, educational exercises, or even in graphical applications.

To create patterns, you typically use loops – specifically for loops and while loops. These loops allow you to repeat a sequence of instructions multiple times, which is essential for constructing patterns with repetitive elements.

Understanding Patterns

Patterns are visual representations formed by arranging symbols such as numbers, characters, or other symbols in a specific shape or design. In C programming, these patterns are often printed on the console using loops and conditional statements.


Common Types of Patterns

  1. Pyramid Patterns: Pyramid patterns resemble a pyramid shape, with each row having an increasing or decreasing number of symbols. These patterns are formed by adjusting the number of spaces and symbols printed in each row.
  2. Number Patterns: Number patterns involve printing sequences of numbers in specific arrangements. These patterns can be simple, like ascending or descending sequences, or more complex, like the Fibonacci sequence.
  3. Alphabet Patterns: Alphabet patterns are similar to number patterns but involve printing sequences of alphabets instead. These patterns are useful for educational purposes or creating decorative designs.
  4. Square and Rectangular Patterns: Square and rectangular patterns form shapes resembling squares or rectangles, with rows and columns of symbols. These patterns are often used for creating grids or borders.
  5. Diamond Patterns: Diamond patterns form a diamond shape with symmetrically increasing and decreasing rows. These patterns often involve careful manipulation of spaces and symbols to achieve the desired shape.

Implementing Patterns in C

To create patterns in C, you typically use nested loops and conditional statements:

  • Outer Loop: The outer loop controls the rows of the pattern. It iterates over the total number of rows required for the pattern.
  • Inner Loop(s): The inner loop(s) control the columns or symbols within each row. Depending on the pattern, you may have one or more inner loops to print different parts of the pattern.
  • Conditional Statements: Conditional statements such as if and switch are used to determine which symbols to print in each iteration of the loops. These statements help in controlling the arrangement and appearance of the pattern.

Example Program: Printing a Square Pattern

Here’s a simple example of printing a square pattern using nested loops:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int rows, cols, i, j;

printf(“Enter the number of rows and columns: “);
scanf(“%d %d”, &rows, &cols);

for(i = 1; i <= rows; i++) {
for(j = 1; j <= cols; j++) {
// Print ‘*’ for the border or for internal space
if(i == 1 || i == rows || j == 1 || j == cols) {
printf(“* “);
} else {
printf(” “); // Two spaces for internal space

return 0;



Pattern programming in C offers a creative way to generate visual designs and shapes using code. By understanding the principles of loops and conditional statements, you can create a wide variety of patterns ranging from simple to complex designs. Experimenting with different loop structures and logic allows you to unleash your creativity and design intricate patterns.


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